Aurora's Cowboy Daddy (Rescue Ranch) Read online

Page 15

  They ate in silence for a few moments, then Aurora said, “You rescue horses, which is why you call it the Rescue Ranch. I have to say I am surprised you wanted me to work with you, since I killed my husband.”

  “In self-defense,” Wyatt said. “Greg killed Lydia because she left him. She still bore the bruises from his beatings while she was here. He thrived on hurting women. He was an ass.”

  “What about Greg’s family?” she asked. The whole situation had reminded her of what she’d gone through, what so many people had gone through. She thought of Stan, and how he hated her for killing his brother. She put down her fork and pushed away her plate.

  “His family wanted Kasey, of course, but Mom fought for her and won. After that, Greg’s family disappeared from our world.” Austin punctuated his words with a wave of his fork. “And Mom got a daughter.”

  They all laughed.

  Aurora looked at the door, then at the clock on the wall. Where was Holt? Were he and Hawk dealing with Stan?

  “Where are Holt and Hawk?” she asked. Would they tell her if Holt was meeting with Stan? Would he meet with him without telling her? If he did she would be angry. This whole thing was about her, and she wanted to take part in the disposition of the problem.

  The brothers were cleaning off the table, and Austin told her he had ice cream for dessert if she wanted.

  “Thank you, but no,” she said. “I really would like to find Holt now. Can anyone tell me where he is?”

  Four pairs of shoulders shrugged. She wanted to demand an answer, but she was sure she would get the same one she’d just received. “Thanks for supper.” She went outside to the UTV, hoping maybe she would find a note, or that Holt would be sitting on the deck waiting for her. She’d found out so much about his family tonight, and he wasn’t here to discuss it with her. That made her angry.

  Where was he? She stopped just past the stables and pulled out her phone to send a text asking just that question. He didn’t respond and she shook the phone and said, “Where are you!”

  One more text, and again no answer, and she was convinced he was meeting with Stan, and he’d taken Hawk with him. She slammed her phone down on the seat and started toward the cabin again. He would be sleeping on the sofa tonight, or back in his room at the main house. How could he leave her out of something like this?

  To spite him she would open the box that had been sitting on the table. She didn’t care if it angered him. If he could do things behind her back, then she could do it behind his, too.

  When she pulled up next to the cabin a UTV was there, and her anger increased. He’d obviously been in town, had left his truck at the house and come down in a UTV. He knew she was there and he hadn’t stopped to see her. Tears welled in her eyes and she blinked them away. Had she done something to make him angry?

  She got out of the UTV and made her way toward the door, anger boiling inside her. Before she could grab the knob, the door swung open and Holt’s hand grabbed her arm and pulled her inside.

  “Surprise!” he yelled, joined by two voices she couldn’t place. She glanced around to see Hawk and Jessica standing side by side near the TV.

  The lights were off, but the room was decorated with fairy lights strung around the room, hanging from the ceiling. There was a structure of what looked to be blankets in the middle of the room where the sofa and chairs used to be. Those items now rested against the walls. One glance at the table showed the box was still there, surrounded by several wrapped packages. Sitting next to them all was a birthday cake.

  “What’s happening?” she asked.

  “The guys want to have a party for your birthday, but I wanted you to have a slumber party, like you missed when you were younger,” Holt said. “It’s early, I know, but it will still be fun.”

  Aurora put her face in her hands and started to cry.

  “Not the reaction I expected,” Holt said. He pulled her into his arms and whispered, “I’m sorry if I’ve upset you.”

  “You’ve made me the happiest woman in the world,” she said. “Thank you.” She sniffled and looked over to where Hawk and Jessica stood. “Thank you, too.”

  Holt pulled her in tight and she cried into his chest.

  “Listen, hanging these lights was tough in a limited amount of time, so let’s not waste any,” Hawk said. “We have games to play and cake to eat. By the way, I’m claiming two slices right now.”

  Jessica patted his belly and said, “Really?”

  “It comes from dating a baker,” Holt said.

  “You won’t have that problem from me,” Aurora said. “I can’t bake for anything.”

  Jessica made the sound of a buzzer and said, “We’ll see about that.”

  Aurora laughed. Her face was wet with tears and she excused herself so she could go wash her face. After she’d splashed water on her face, she looked into the mirror and mentally chastised herself for thinking bad things about Holt. He’d helped her to overcome so much since she’d been here, and at the first chance she’d thought bad of him.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked from the doorway.

  “I thought you were meeting with Stan without telling me,” she blurted out. “I was angry with you, and you were setting up a party for me. I’m a terrible person.”

  “I promise I won’t meet with him without you.” He came over and placed his fingers under her chin. When her face was in the right position he kissed her. She savored the taste of him and he said, “Let’s go before Hawk eats all the cake. Oh, and you’ll get a hard birthday spanking for not believing in me.”

  “Cake first!” Hawk yelled when they were back in the living room. He and Jessica lit the candles and they sang happy birthday.

  “Nobody’s ever done that for me before,” Aurora said. “Thank you so much.”

  “Thank us later,” Hawk said. “Blow out the candles.” She did what he asked, and Jessica cut them huge slabs of chocolate cake which she topped with vanilla ice cream.

  “Do the guys have cake?” she asked.

  “A sister to this one,” Jessica said as she handed a plate to Holt.

  “So they know we’re having a slumber party?” Aurora asked.

  “Not the total gist of it,” Holt said. “They think it’s a double date, but they knew I was setting it up. They don’t know this is two Daddies having a party with their Littles.”

  Aurora blushed and looked over to where Hawk sat on a chair, with Jessica on his lap. Hawk was feeding her a piece of cake. Jessica swallowed and giggled. She had no idea the two were an item, much less they did the Daddy/little thing she was still working out in her mind.

  “Come and join us,” Jessica called out.

  Holt took the seat opposite Hawk, and Aurora sat down on his lap. He fed her as Hawk was doing to Jessica, and it made her smile. After she’d swallowed a larger piece she giggled and said, “Be careful, Papa Bear. You’re overfilling me.”

  Jessica laughed, and Hawk snorted out his own laugh.

  When the cake was done, Aurora laid her head on Holt’s shoulder as he ate his own slice. No man had ever cared for her the way he was doing now. She said a silent prayer of thanks for her new family.

  When everyone finished their cake, and Hawk had claimed another slice, Holt called out, “Presents.”

  Like a kid at Christmas, Aurora ran to the table and grabbed the box that had been there so long.

  “That one’s last,” Holt said. “Do the smaller ones first.”

  “Meanie!” she stuck her tongue out and was happy to see his mouth drop open in shock.

  “You’ll pay for that later,” he said.

  “We’ll see, Papa Bear.” Her words brought laughter from the three and she started to open presents. One box contained arm floaties for the pool; another contained coloring books and crayons; and the third was full of hair bows and makeup. All of the gifts were things she would have gotten when she was younger, but had never received.

  “Thank you all,” she said. She wiped a
way tears, but there was a huge smile on her face.

  “There are rafts and pool noodles at the pool,” Holt said. “Make sure you check the noodles for snakes.”

  Aurora shivered, then put her hand on the remaining box. “May I, Papa Bear?”

  “Not quite yet,” Holt said. “Birthday spankings first.”

  Aurora stiffened. It didn’t pass by her that he’d said spankings, and not a spanking. “Um, what?”

  “When we were kids everyone got to give the birthday kid a few swats, three each.” Holt laughed. “We used our hands because, well, we were all guys, and it usually took the other five to hold the birthday boy down so he’d get swatted.”

  “You’re going to have to hold me down?” Her voice trembled, and she glanced to where Hawk and Jessica sat, with her curled up on his lap.

  “Oh, I don’t share,” Holt said. “But they are going to watch. A gentleman never asks a lady her age, and I know a lot of people who give out one swat per year. But I’m going to give you thirty swats.”

  “Thirty?” Aurora gasped, and her mouth hung open.

  “Thirty if you keep your jeans on,” Holt said. “Twenty if you let me bare your ass.”

  “In front of—” Aurora stopped talking and pointed to their guests.

  “Yes,” Holt said. “You can go into the bedroom and change into a nightgown. Leave your panties in there and come back in here and place yourself over my lap. It’s your choice.”

  Ten less swats for a bare bottom? She reasoned it out in her mind. It wasn’t as if they were having sex. And she’d been naked in front of people before in prison. Despite her shock it was an easy decision.

  “I’ll take the twenty,” she said.

  “Then get ready,” he said.

  Aurora rushed into the bedroom. She didn’t have a nightgown, so to speak, because she usually slept in an old t-shirt. Since Holt had moved in she slept naked. Since she wasn’t going out there naked she grabbed one of his t-shirts, stripped down to her bra. When she let the shirt fall over her head it came mid-thigh. That would work.

  Back in the living room she found Holt sitting in the middle of the sofa; Hawk and Jessica were in the same spot. Without being told what to do, Aurora crossed to where Holt sat. She didn’t do very well with spankings in the past, and she hoped she could handle this one.

  She put one knee on the sofa and locked her gaze onto his. “You can do this, baby bear,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. Aurora nodded and lowered herself over his thighs. He gently moved the t-shirt so her bottom was bare, and Aurora said a silent prayer of thanks for the low lighting.

  “I’m going to use one of your presents,” Holt said. He moved an object in front of her face and it took her a few moments to realize it was a hairbrush with a smooth wooden bottom.

  She stiffened as he brushed the bristles against her bare bottom. As he continued to move the brush, Aurora told herself to relax, that her Papa Bear would take care of her, would do nothing to hurt her. The first swat was easy, as were the next four. The five after there were a little harsher, but nothing to make her cry. But the next one made her yelp, as did the ones after that.

  Tears stung her eyes, but she stayed in place, determined to take her spanking and trust her Papa Bear to take care of her. To her surprise the last five were playful, and made her giggle. When he delivered the last one they all said, “And one for growth!” Holt delivered a last swat, and Aurora burst into laughter. She started to get up, but he pressed her back down. He rubbed the bristles against her bare bottom and she sighed.

  “Papa Bear,” she said when he kept going. “I have presents to open.”

  She loved the fact they all laughed. He ordered her to the bedroom where she changed back into her clothes. Her bottom stung a bit, but it was nothing near what she’d expected. When she came out Aurora ran to the box that had sat on her table for days.

  “Now may I open it?” she asked.

  “Yes, you may, baby bear.” The box was not wrapped, but there was enough tape on it to, as she’d heard her friend Dana say once, choke a horse. Holt wouldn’t give her anything sharp to cut it apart, and it took her a good ten minutes to peel away the tape. Inside was something that made her gasp.

  Nestled in layers of newspaper was a spirit board.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t see it because I bought it the day we were in Amarillo.”

  “I had other things on my mind,” she admitted. She picked up the board and found the pointer resting under it. “Can we try it out?”

  “That’s what the blanket fort is for,” Holt said. “Everybody inside!”

  They crowded into the fort, which was dark except for the fairy lights from outside. Holt pulled out a large flashlight and said, “All right ladies, hands on the pointer and go.”

  Jessica insisted Aurora go first, and it took her a while to think up the first question. She finally asked if she was at home.

  The pointer moved to yes.

  Jessica then asked who the love of her life was and the letters spelled out Hawk Daddy.

  “Damn skippy,” Hawk said, and then he kissed Jessica.

  Hoping for a kiss, Aurora asked the same question and the pointer spelled out Papa Bear.

  Holt kissed her gently, and Aurora laughed. She wanted to ask if her problems with Stan would go away, but she was too afraid to cut into the sweet mood that had settled in the tent.

  After Holt’s sweet kiss she asked, “Are you sure he wants me?”

  The pointer flew to yes, then Holt grabbed her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. When something sharp pressed into her face she cried out and pulled back. Holt held up his hand. Hawk shone the flashlight on his brother’s hand and Aurora gasped.

  A beautiful diamond solitaire rested on Holt’s palm. “A beautiful ring for a beautiful lady,” he said.

  Aurora launched herself at him and the fort collapsed around them. Laughter filled the room and when Holt landed on top of her and kissed her, Aurora wrapped her legs around him. He kissed her repeatedly, until the sound of a slamming door broke them apart.

  “We’re alone now, my baby bear,” he said.

  “Do I get one more present?” she asked. To her shock she put her hands between his legs and squeezed.

  “You naughty girl!” He might have thought it, but he didn’t move her hand. “You’re going to be a nasty birthday girl and suck your Papa Bear off, aren’t you?”

  Aurora continued to massage him through his jeans. The blankets were growing warm, but she didn’t make any move to leave them, and neither did Holt.

  “I want you on your knees, with my stiff cock shoved down your throat,” he said.

  He pushed off her and she could tell he got caught in the blankets. He pushed them off and tossed them aside before he ordered her up and naked.

  Aurora did as he asked until she was down to nothing except the ring he’d just given her. It showed that she was his, that she belonged to him.

  “On your knees.” She dropped down and looked up at him. She didn’t want to tell him that she didn’t know what she was doing, but she trusted him to guide her.

  “Open,” he said.

  Aurora licked her lips, and when he offered her his cock she took the tip of him in. She gagged and let it go. He waited a few moments before he said, “Again.” It took four tries before she could keep him in her mouth. She sucked as gently as she could, when he put his hand on the back of her neck she knew he was pressing her to suck harder.

  “Hands on you, not on me,” he said. “Play with your pussy.”

  That order was easy to follow. Her clit throbbed under her touch. Holt had his hand wrapped around his length and she sucked him in until she met his fist, then came back out. Moments later she knew her orgasm was near, and she let him go because she was afraid she would bite down.

  As soon as she came she felt hot cum on her, and to her utter shock she stuck out her tongue and licked the tip of his shaft.

  “Holy fuck,
” he said. He collapsed onto a blanket, and Aurora brushed a shaky hand against her lips. After a few moments he said, “Happy birthday.”

  Aurora laughed as she laid her head on his thigh.

  “Here’s to many more to come,” he said. “And come, and come, and come.”

  Chapter 17

  Aurora drummed her fingernails on the table, stopping only when Holt grasped her hand in his.

  “Don’t be so worried.”

  What was he talking about? Stan was about to walk into the room, accompanied by a lawyer she was sure, since they were in Holt’s lawyer’s office. Or should she say their lawyer? Although they were still not yet married, the lawyer had taken a retainer to host this meeting.

  “There’s no way we’re bringing him to the ranch,” Holt had said when Stan had answered their letter. Aurora was shocked he’d actually written. He’d demanded to come see her. Holt had called the number Stan had provided and told Stan he wouldn’t be allowed on the ranch. If he wanted to meet they would do it in Amarillo.

  Aurora had listened to Holt’s side of the conversation, as had Hawk, who was currently sitting on her other side. She wasn’t sure what Stan had said, but Holt had answered, “You know that’s a threat and I can report you to the authorities.”

  Stan had said something else, and Holt had responded with the same words. He’d then said, “I’ll set up an appointment with my lawyer in Amarillo and let you know the time and place.”

  Now there was part of her that wished she’d stayed at home. She had no desire to see Stan. But even though he was her Papa Bear, she didn’t want him to fight her battles for her. It was enough that he was here, that he loved her, that he would deck Stan if need be.

  She took a drink from her diet soda and started to drum her fingers once more.

  “Stop it,” Holt said, at the same time a woman’s voice said, “This way, Mr. Hicks.”

  “He’s here,” Aurora said.

  “So am I,” Holt squeezed her hand. “So is Hawk, and our lawyer will come in right away. Relax. I won’t let him hurt you.”