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The Resurrection of Josephine Page 5
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Page 5
"We'll keep it short and try not to upset her” Martin said.
"No, don't do that. She'd be upset if you babied her. This has been a wonderful development, and I know she's anxious to talk about Josephine. She's told me all about it and wants to help banish her for good. Their failure with Josephine has always weighed heavily on her mind."
Martin and Rumer exchanged glances as Tori Tilbet-Smyer walked out the backdoor of the house in the garden district. When the two had gone to Sandra Tilbet's house that morning, they'd been informed she'd gone to live with her daughter six months previously. The helpful neighbor had given them a phone number, and Tori had gushed for them to “come right over."
"Mama, they're here.” Tori sat down and patted her mother's hand, not in a condescending fashion, Martin noted, but with true affection. He smiled at the gesture, then held out a chair for Rumer.
"I made coffee,” Tori said, indicating the tray, which held stoneware mugs and a huge coffee urn. “Or I can make tea, if you prefer."
"Coffee, please, for both of us.” Martin swallowed another smile. It was as if they'd known each other forever. It had felt that way last night, too, when they'd gathered on the large bed, all of them naked, but none of them groping for each other. They'd exchanged lingering kisses between the three of them, then fallen asleep tucked around each other.
Noah had kissed them both softly when he'd left, and Martin had fleetingly wondered what it would be like to wake up that way every morning as part of a relationship, something he'd never been able to sustain in his lifetime. Things just felt so right with Rumer and Noah it was almost scary. Of course, that's not to say it would last. Maybe when things were resolved, Rumer and Noah would float away from him. But somehow he doubted it. Something inside him told him this was the real deal.
"You look like your grandmother.” The woman's wheezy voice pulled him back to events at hand. “And your mother. She was a wild one, that's for sure."
"I'm sure she still is,” Rumer said.
"Josephine LeClaire murdered my sister, Lydia.” Her matter of fact tone of voice made Martin wince.
"I'm sorry."
Sandra turned her gaze to him. “It's why we tried to banish her, Lola, Mary Elizabeth, and myself.” She stopped and breathed heavily, reaching down for an oxygen mask and pulling it to her face. When she dropped the mask, she focused on Rumer. “We were young, and stupid, and I was angry because she'd murdered Lydia."
She reached down again and brought up an eight by ten frame, turning it toward Rumer and Martin.
"Josephine,” Rumer said, her eyes widening.
"This is Lydia,” Sandra replied, turning the photo toward her and running her fingers over the glass. “She was so young, and very, very strong. Her abilities were much sharper than my own. It's why Josephine targeted her, after she failed with your grandmother."
"I'm so sorry,” Rumer said, reaching over to take the woman's hand.
Sandra nodded, then brought the mask back up to her mouth, and breathed heavily again. She lowered it, then sighed. “We were young, too, and very headstrong. Instead of contacting elders, or people who might have been able to help us, we followed her to the cemetery. She was burying the body she'd just discarded."
"Makes sense,” Martin said. “That's when you decided to bind her spirit to the crypt?"
"Yes. I knew Lydia was gone, nothing left of her but her body, inhabited by that devil. Too late we realized that if we bound her, we'd have to unbind her to kill her human body, Lydia's body. And if we did that, she'd probably kill us before we could get to her. She was very strong. The only reason we were successful was because we snuck up on her while she was placing the first body in the crypt."
"That means—” Rumer's voice floated off.
"Yes, to kill her, you're going to have to unleash her. Our words were wrong. When Lydia's body died, Josephine's spirit clung to the crypt, and that was our mistake. I can tell you the spell we used, but you're going to have to be prepared. Lydia's body is gone, and Josephine is no more than spirit now. The first thing she'd do is hunt for a new host, a strong magical one, probably you.” Sandra pointed to Rumer and Martin sat up straighter.
"To kill her, we're going to have to kill her host.” Martin felt as if the words were pulled out of his body, his stomach clenching in pain as he spoke.
"Yes,” Sandra said. “Do it on Samhain. That's the night we bound her all those years ago. Do it before midnight."
* * * *
"That's your plan? Not no, but hell no! Fuck no!” Noah paced the kitchen at Fletch, Dev, and Quinn's house. Everyone sat around the table except Fletch, who stood at the stove, stirring a huge pot of gumbo.
"It's the only way,” Rumer said. “Sandra Tilbet is sick, fatally so, and when she dies, Josephine is free. We have to kill her before she has the chance to do to someone else what she did to Lydia Tilbet, and all those women before her."
Noah wheeled on her, and Martin could see the other man's anger, and pain, deep inside him.
"So your solution is to let her take over your body, kill it, and then she's gone."
"It's perfect,” Rumer said. “You can bring me back, you're a paramedic. We wait two minutes until Josephine's spirit is gone, and then you do CPR on me and it's all back to normal."
"What happens if it's Josephine that comes back, and not you?” Noah put his hands on the table and leaned toward Rumer. “You have no idea if this will work, and I will not risk it!"
His voice rose with every word, and Martin reached out and stroked his arm. “Calm down."
"Are you kidding me? You're going along with this?” Noah pounded his fist on the table in front of where Martin stood.
"No, Noah, I don't agree with it,” Martin said. “I've already told her that, but she wanted to propose the idea to everyone."
Noah crossed his arms over his chest, starring daggers at Rumer. “So what's your plan, we shoot you? Stab you? Poison you?"
"Quit being an asshole,” she replied calmly. “Strangulation would work best. And I'm sure when I come back it would be me, and only me. Josephine wouldn't have had enough time to get a stronghold in my body."
"I won't do it,” Noah's voice was devoid of emotion, but Martin could feel his pain.
"Noah, please.” Rumer reached out for him. “This is the only way."
"Maybe not.” Fletch came over, placing the pot in the middle of the table. “Food you get, service you don't. Everyone can help themselves. And, as I was saying, maybe not. My aunt, she's a voodoo priestess. Maybe she could help."
"What, turn her into a zombie? That would be worse, wouldn't it?"
Fletch filled a bowl with food and sat down. “I called her today, and told her the gist of the story. She say there's a spell she could use, to destroy the demon, for that's what Josephine is, isn't she?"
A round of affirmative answers filled the air. “Do you want me to call her again?"
Martin waited for Rumer's answer. Rumer looked to Noah, who still stood, his hands on his hips, fire burning in his eyes.
"It's worth a shot,” Noah said. “It's better than the idea of killing you, and then bringing you back."
"I agree with Noah,” Martin said, glancing between the two of them. “It's too risky the other way. If Josephine comes back when the CPR is successful, then we're up the creek."
"Voodoo scares me,” Rumer said. “I don't know enough about it."
"Josephine scares me,” Martin replied. “Fletch's Aunt Margrette is a good woman. I've met her, and she's strong."
Martin could tell Rumer considered their idea, even if she thought her own was better. Finally, after a few moments, she nodded. “Call her, but I'm not agreeing to anything until I meet her in person. If it comes down to it, and you guys refuse to help, I'll find another witch, maybe Sandra's daughter, to help me."
"Margrette will be thrilled,” Fletch said. “She's itching to help. Now, let's eat. I slaved all day on this."
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Chapter Nine
It struck Martin as funny that they didn't even discuss where they would spend the night when they left their hosts. They were on foot, as always, and when they headed away from his house, Martin knew they were going to theirs.
He fell into step with them easily, walking with Rumer in the middle. She had her arms crossed over her chest in silent defiance. No one had agreed to her plan to play host to Josephine, then be killed and brought back with CPR. She hadn't mentioned it again after they'd agreed to talk to Margrette, but Martin could tell Rumer was itching for a fight.
"Busy day today?” Martin directed his question at Noah, who snorted.
"No people in fountains if that's what you're asking."
"Too bad, it might have brightened your day, old man.” Martin stopped when Noah stepped in front of him.
"Don't call me old man, pup."
"Why not? You've got at least ten years on me.” He pushed around Noah and held up his arms in confusion. “Where the hell are we going, anyway?"
"Our house is just down the block,” Rumer said.
"Good.” Martin started to walk, then turned to Noah. “See if you can keep up, or do I need to find a wheelchair and haul you the rest of the way?"
He easily sidestepped Noah's outstretched hand, then took up a boxer's stance, bouncing from foot to foot and jabbing his fists toward the other man. “Come on, put ‘em up."
Rumer giggled, walking without the men following her. “Stop acting like children."
Martin kept up his swagger, bouncing backwards down the street, punching his fists toward Noah, whose ire rose with every punch.
At the gate, Martin danced circles around Noah while Rumer clicked the lock open. After she opened it, Martin darted inside, continuing to spar with his invisible opponent until Noah stepped in front of him.
"Come on, let's go. You got the drop on me the other night, but you won't do it tonight. Put ‘em up."
For a minute, Martin thought Noah wouldn't play along, that he would dismiss Martin's attempt at lightening the mood a little. And then suddenly, Noah took a swing at him, jabbing his right arm out. Martin saw it coming and deflected it with a laugh.
"See, told you I was good.” They traded punches, some of them missing, some of them landing, but none of them hitting with enough force to cause any pain. After a few minutes, Martin tackled Noah. Rumer, who had been watching and giggling, laughed louder.
"You two are like little kids. Stop it.” Her halfhearted command fell on deaf ears as the men rolled around together. After a few minutes, Martin pinned Noah to the ground, holding his hands above his head. He leaned down and kissed him, their tongues dancing around each other, both their chests heaving with exertion.
Martin rubbed his crotch into the other man's, both of their cocks strained against the pants they wore, and Martin kissed him harder, capturing the loud groan of pleasure that escaped Noah's lips. When the kiss broke, he nipped at Noah's nose, then he whispered, “Let's get her,” in Noah's ear.
"Good idea."
The two men jumped up and turned to Rumer, who still laughed, even though she'd pasted a mock frown on her face. Martin saw the minute realization hit her, and she took off for the house, fumbling with the keys as she neared the door.
Martin grabbed her around the waist, pulling her into his chest. “Where do you think you're going?” He dragged her back into the yard as Noah darted into the house.
She kicked and flailed out her arms, her laughter belying her movements. “Stop it! It's too cold out here for this. Let's go inside."
"Don't think so,” Martin said, one arm holding both hers down while the other worked the buttons on her jeans. She stopped fighting when he slipped his fingers inside her pants, caressing his way down to delve into the soft warmth between her thighs.
"So wet,” he whispered in her ear. “I can't wait to be inside you."
Noah reappeared with a thick blanket, which he quickly spread on the ground. He hurriedly took off his clothes, then helped Martin undress Rumer, who no longer resisted.
When they were on the blanket, kissing, Martin quickly undressed. He noticed a bottle of lube and a few condoms sitting on the edge of the blanket, and he smiled to himself, his cock hardening even more than it already was.
He joined them on the blanket, and hands roamed, stroking cocks, and caressing Rumer's softness. Noah and Martin pushed Rumer back gently, one of them on either side. They both captured nipples as their hands caressed her folds, taking turns at teasing her clit, and then sliding inside her, both of them using their index fingers to fill her.
She undulated under them, her soft moans filling the air. Almost as one, the men kissed their way down her body, licking and nibbling as she clasped at the blanket. Martin pushed her legs wider apart, then gently parted her lips and licked her clit. It throbbed under his touch, and he sucked it in gently, rolling it around with his teeth until her hips bucked up to greet him. Then he moved back and let Noah take over, stroking the other man's head as he licked and sucked in the same spot Martin had just loved.
"Oh lord,” Rumer whispered, “I can't take much more. Please let me come."
Martin slide two fingers inside her, slowly drawing them in and out while Noah feasted on her. Several minutes later they traded places again, Martin lapping at her core while Noah gently fucked her with his fingers. They traded on an off for a few minutes, and then the men exchanged looks.
Noah nodded, and Martin bent down, sucking Rumer's clit into his mouth and gently biting.
"Yes!” Her hips shot up as her orgasm shot through her. Noah continued to fuck her with his fingers as Martin sucked, drawing another orgasm from her as she lashed around, begging for a cock, begging for more.
When she lay still, Martin winked at Noah, who handed him a condom. Martin quickly sheathed himself, shivering at the sound of another package tearing as he positioned himself between Rumer's thighs, put his hand on her hip to lift her gently, then slid inside.
"God yes,” he whispered as she grasped him, pulling him in all the way, holding him hostage within her tight sheath. He fucked her slowly, gazing down at her as Noah's skillful fingers spread warmed jelly on Martin's ass. Noah slipped a finger inside, caressing Martin with careful strokes. Noah used his free hand to fondle Martin's balls, gently squeezing them until Martin thought he would die from need.
"Noah, please just fuck me. Do it!” Martin stilled himself inside Rumer, her supple walls clutching him tightly. When Noah settled himself over Martin and clasped his hips, Martin sighed.
"Fuck yeah, do it.” The tip of Noah's cock pressed against Martin's tight rosette, and Martin sighed again, pushing backward, and swallowing the head as it maneuvered past the grasping ring of muscle.
There was a collective groan from the three of them as Noah worked inside, stopping and starting, thrusting and withdrawing, until his sac rested against the sensitive ridge that ran from Martin's balls to his anus.
Rumer shifted her legs, bringing them up so that Martin slid deeper inside her. She shifted again, wrapping one leg up and around Noah, and then they began to move as a unit, plunging in and out of each other with an increasing pace, their short gasps sending chills of delight up Martin's spine.
This was a totally new experience for him, being fucked while fucking someone, and it was the most incredibly erotic thing he'd ever experienced. Rumer's mewls of pleasure mixed with Noah's groans of exertion and enjoyment, and it drove Martin even higher, his own cries mixing with their own.
They traded kisses as they moved, their tongues melding together in twos and threes, their hands continuing to stroke each other. Martin lifted enough to slide his fingers down between his and Rumer's bodies, stroking her to orgasm one more time as she wiggled under his touch. The look of pure bliss on her face wrapped around his heart, fueling his passion like nothing ever had in the past.
When Noah grasped his hips and thrust harder, Martin knew he was on the edge. He
tightened his muscles as Noah's cock stroked over his gland. Martin matched the pace, his own orgasm slamming into him seconds before Noah cried out first Rumer's, then Martin's name, plunging himself in and out of Martin until Martin thought he would go over the edge again.
Noah slowly moved them onto their sides, their bodies still joined, two cocks throbbing almost as one.
"Incredible,” Martin said as Noah caressed his arms and kissed his shoulder.
"Round one,” Rumer said with a laugh. “I'd call this little free-for-all a great success, wouldn't you?"
Laughter filled the air as they cuddled close, falling asleep together. It was several hours later when they woke and hurried into the house, snuggling down into Rumer and Noah's huge bed, Rumer nestled between the two men.
Martin lay on his back, his hand resting on Rumer's hip. He turned his head toward the window, watching the moonlight through the sheer curtains. Thoughts of the future filled his mind. He'd been jealous of the love Fletch, Dev, and Quinn shared. Was it possible that, what started as a break-in at his house, and had now turned into a love fest, could last? Or was it something that would end when Josephine had been destroyed?
He had no doubt they would be successful in their quest. He just hoped the victory would carry over into their personal lives.
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Chapter Ten
The days flew by in a whirl. The weeks before Halloween were always busy for Martin and his fellow ghost seekers, with people wanting them to deal with the spirits that plagued them. Most of the calls they went on turned out to be someone's overactive imagination, and Martin always felt bad about taking money from those people.
Dev always reminded him, though, that the people believed their hauntings were real, and calling in the ghost hunters gave the customers peace of mind. There were a few true to life calls, though, with a few friendly spirits who enjoyed hanging around and causing mischief, and one not-so-nice one that didn't want to go home, and nothing Martin could do would change his mind. He'd made a mental note to get back to those people later, to try and help them solve their problem.