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Mastering Her Desires Page 5
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Page 5
“Say it, keep talking like a nasty little sub.”
Damn, but she wanted to. Unfortunately, she was afraid if she did, she would scream that if he didn’t fuck her, she would die right on the spot.
“I…I…feels so fucking good.”
His snort made her smile.
“That was fairly lame,” he said, his tone making it sound as if he were smiling. “I prefer the screams for more.”
He removed his hand. If he wanted cries for more, he’d get them.
“Don’t stop! I’m begging you, I can’t…I need…” How much lamer would it sound if she said she couldn’t live without him touching her clit? “Please touch me again.”
“You can’t need?” He sat down in a chair at the end of the table. “You’re going to have to work on your begging because I like to hear subs beg.”
“May I stand, Sir?”
“You may.” She felt awkward as she stood. Heat coursed through her, not only from the spanking, but also from the ginger, although that part was fading fast.
“May I get dressed, Sir?”
“Not yet.”
She glanced over to where he studied her. Was she supposed to offer a blowjob? A hand job? Or was she supposed to stand there and wait for him to tell her what to do? Something told her it was the latter, so she remained quiet.
Finally, he said, “I’m going upstairs to work. Please finish the rolls, then come up and see me.”
“With food?” she asked after he’d stood and headed toward the door.
“Did I say with food?”
“No, but that would make sense. If you’re upstairs, I should bring your meal up there. It would save me some steps.”
His eyes narrowed, and she returned the glare. “You said to be a brat. I think I’ve been pretty good this morning, so I’m practicing for Belize.”
She’d hoped for a smile. She didn’t get it.
“That’s your excuse for taking back to me?”
“I think it’s a pretty good one.” She crossed her arms over her naked chest.
“I said to be a brat in Belize, not here.”
“I’m practicing.” She began to straighten her clothes, knowing he hadn’t given her permission and it would piss him off.
They both remained silent as she pulled and tugged her bra and panties back into place.
“If you’re this way after an orgasm that leaves you screaming for more, I hate to see what sort of a brat you’ll be when I deny you.” He left the room.
Piper stuck her tongue out just as he came back into the room. “We’re going to have to work on your begging skills. They’re sorely lacking.”
Once more he left, and then returned. “If you stick your tongue out at me again, I’ll give you something to do with it that you won’t like.”
He left once again, and she waited a few moments to see if he would return. When he didn’t, she stuck out her tongue and wiggled her head from side to side.
“I heard that,” he yelled out. “Finish your food, then get up here, pronto.” His tone of voice told her she’d pushed him far enough.
She turned to the kitchen and went back to work.
* * * *
Kenan sat behind his desk and tried to concentrate on the papers in front of him. He had to file them today, so he could get paid for last night’s capture. One of his informants had called to tell him a low-level drug dealer who had skipped was at a bar, hawking his wares. The idiot hadn’t even seen them coming. In seconds, Kenan had him on the ground and in cuffs.
After he’d delivered him to the police department, another hunter had asked for Kenan’s help on a different capture. He’d earned a cool grand for doing the favor, but that one had taken longer. He hadn’t come home until after three, and finding Piper passed out on his couch had made his dick swell. He’d wanted to wake her up, tie her up, and fuck her. Or have her suck him off. She had a talented mouth, and it would have helped to put him to sleep last night. But he didn’t want to push things too far, too fast.
He’d thought they were going to have to do intense training, so they would be comfortable together in Belize. But then, the idea of her playing the part of a brat, something that would come quite naturally to her, had wormed its way into his plan. Her behavior would keep them in the public eye at the resort, which would give him time to observe people, while she was tied to posts, or in other positions of punishment.
Of course, it all depended on how she reacted to this weekend. So far things were going according to plan. She’d come hard from the ginger and spanking. He’d never soaked a plug in juice and used it on a sub’s ass, but he wanted to try it with her. He imagined her tied to a post, her ass full as he flogged her. His dick pulsed with the need to fuck her, and he shifted in his chair. He’d get an orgasm in a little while, but it would be self-induced.
Before that, he had to punish her for the tongue incident, and he knew just how to do it. His cock throbbed again, and he fought back the urge to call her up and tell her to go down on him.
“Finish your paperwork,” he muttered just as a noise sounded at the doorway. He turned to find Piper, totally naked.
“Breakfast is ready, or technically it’s lunch, I think, since it’s almost noon. Still, the first meal of the day is breaking the fast. Shall I feed you, Sir, or will you use your own hands?”
One hundred percent brat, he thought as he held back a chuckle. First, she puts her clothes on when she doesn’t have permission. Then, she takes them off without being told. “Fix a plate and bring it up here. You can feed me.”
“My pleasure, Sir.” She turned and wiggled her ass at him before she left the room. This time he did chuckle, but he made sure it was low. There were some pretty red stripes on her bottom. She was definitely a handful, and not his usual cup of tea. He had friends who liked those who were a little bratty. The way she made him smile right now gave him some insight into why.
She was back moments later with a tray full of cinnamon rolls and a large bowl of fruit salad. She set it on the desk, and he examined the offerings. The pastries definitely smelled delicious.
“No coffee or juice?”
“It would be my pleasure to get it for you, Sir.” She turned quickly, and when she walked—no, flounced—toward the door, he watched her ass appreciatively. Maybe he should have fucked her.
At the doorway, she turned. “Please don’t eat until I get back, Sir. I would like to fulfill my duties as I’ve been ordered.”
He was definitely going to have to concoct some interesting punishments for her, since spanking wouldn’t work. Standing in the corner would get old, and denial, well, since she wasn’t planning on having sex with him in Belize, that wouldn’t work. He knew she was angry right now because he’d said he was going to fuck her, and then changed his mind.
Truthfully, he’d done it just to see what her reaction would be, and it was turning out exactly as he’d expected.
When she returned with another tray, this one with a coffee pot, two mugs, sugar, cream and two glasses of orange juice, he knew exactly how the first punishment would go.
“How do you take your coffee, Sir?”
“My pleasure, Sir.” She poured him a cup, then picked up the second one.
“Did I give permission for that?”
She stopped before any liquid escaped into the second cup. “Excuse me?”
“For your coffee. Do you have permission?”
A nice, red tint colored her cheeks. “Sir, may I pour myself a cup of coffee?”
“You may.” He watched as she poured the liquid, then set down the pot. She reached for a packet of sweetener, then glanced at him.
“May I?”
“Yes.” Oh yeah, this was the ticket, her having to ask for permission to do things. It grated on her nerves, and it was the perfect punishment. She threw the trash in the bin next to the desk before she picked up the cream and started to pour.
“Do I need to remind you?�
The look on her face was priceless. “May I have creamer, Sir?”
“You may, as long as you ask.”
Once she’d finished with the coffee, she picked up a plate. “One roll or two, Sir?”
“Two, please.”
She filled the plate, and then reached for the fruit, pulling her hand back at the last minute. “Would you like fruit, Sir?”
Oh, this was fun. Another idea popped into his head. “Yes, please. And when you’re done, empty one of the trays, then set it on my lap. You may kneel before me and cut up the roll, so you can feed me.”
She didn’t say a word as she did what she was told, but he could see from the way she held the knife and fork that a part of her wanted to stab him with the utensils. After she put a piece of roll on the fork, she offered it to him.
The taste of warm cinnamon, butter, and dough filled his mouth, sending warmth through him. This was definitely one of the best pastries he’d ever had.
“Very good,” he told her. “Your talent in the kitchen is obvious.”
The frown that had been on her face disappeared, and she smiled broadly.
“My pleasure, Sir.” She seemed shy now, very aware of his scrutiny of her work. “Would you like to taste the fruit, now?”
He nodded, opening his mouth as she offered a bit with banana and strawberry. He’d expected the same old taste of fruit salad, but this one had a tang to it. He chewed slowly as he tried to figure out what she’d used. “Powdered sugar, a hint of lemon, and a cream cheese sauce. Very nice.”
The flush on her face deepened. “Thank you, again, Sir.”
“You’re welcome. You may continue to feed me, the roll first, then the fruit. I’ll take care of the beverages. When you see my hand reach for a glass, you will wait to offer me another bite of food.”
“My pleasure, Sir.”
They ate in silence. Kenan watched her as she fed him; she was a little disconcerted at first, to have the roles reversed, but it didn’t take long for her to settle in. That was good. She picked up on things fast and went with the flow.
“While we’re in Belize, we’re going to use a ‘tip’ system for your punishments. That will stick with the food theme.”
She lifted her eyebrows in question.
“You tip a server at a restaurant. In this case, you’re going to rack up tips that will lead to spankings, which you love, or some form of punishment, yet to be decided.”
Her smile was bright. “I like it.”
He finished his food, then sat back in his chair. “Now, as to you sticking your tongue out at me.”
“I’m playing the part,” she reminded him.
“Then we’ll practice punishment, since I’m still looking for just the right thing.” He stood. “Stay in place.”
He didn’t look back as he left the room. When he got back, he’d know whether or not she’d followed his instructions. Details were one of the things that never escaped him, including a person’s position in the room. It was one thing that helped him succeed in his profession.
It didn’t take him long to go to one of the playrooms and retrieve the item he thought might be best used for situations where his new sub was being reprimanded. It was a marble dildo, seven inches long. This would be an interesting experiment.
He was almost back to the office when the phone rang. Now he had a dilemma: should he ignore it and play, or see if it was a chance to make more money? He’d check the ID to see who it was, and decide from there.
A quick glance at Piper showed she’d stayed in place, her hands at her sides. She looked bored, and it made him smile. After a quick trip to the desk, he picked up his phone. One glance told him this was a call he had to take.
“Leo, what’s up?” He listened, and then growled softly. “Thanks for the call.”
He put down the phone and the dildo. “Get dressed and pack your bags. We’re leaving tonight.”
Chapter Five
“Explain this to me one more time, please.” Piper tugged on her seatbelt and then reached for her drink. She’d never been a very good flier, and this was the third one for the day. The original plans had been for a flight from New York to Miami to Belize, where they would take a boat to the resort island. But because their plans had changed, they’d had to take what they had, which meant they’d gone from New York to Dallas, and then to Miami and were now on their way to Belize. She wasn’t even sure what time it was. All she knew was that it was dark, either late evening or early morning.
“One more time. Leo runs the resort. My mark is coming on Tuesday, instead of next week. I want to make sure we’re in place before he gets there.”
One more sip from the glass. “I understand that part. Tell me once again about this Carlton guy.” She felt Kenan stiffen, and she wondered if it was because she’d asked for an explanation, or if he was angry about speaking about his skip.
“Carlton Stein is from a rich family from Boston, but he lives in New York.”
She nodded when he fell silent, afraid to say, “Go on.”
“His family is very rich, and Carlton is very greedy. Both his parents are dead, but to get to his money, all his money, he and his brother had to kill off an accountant and three family members—two aunts and an uncle.”
Bile rose in the back of her throat. “That’s disgusting. I don’t understand people who kill for money.”
“The district attorney in Boston discovered the whole thing after the hit men were arrested. The brothers were indicated and jailed, but released on bail by a judge who was sure the DA had it all wrong. After all, they were pillars of the community. They would never run.”
“When did all this happen?” The plane rolled a little, and she grabbed the arm of her chair.
“Relax, we’ve only got an hour left, and then it’s a boat ride. You don’t get seasick, do you?”
She shook her head. “How long ago was this?”
“Eight months. Carlton’s brother, Stephen, has already been captured, in London. The only reason we caught wind of Carlton was his need for sex, BDSM sex.”
“Your friend Leo called?”
“Yup. Carlton’s a well known Dom.”
She shivered. “A cruel one, I’m sure.”
“Leo says there’s never been any complaints against him. I think the only time he’s dangerous is if you’re standing in the way of what he wants. He’d kill someone to get away from us, I’m sure of that.”
She shook her head. “If he’s on the run, he can’t get the money.”
His laughter was soft. “He already has the money. Before the murders, the brothers worked with a shady bank employee. Each quarter the banker would skim off a little bit of the trust fund, some for each of them. About a year and a half ago, the accountant who oversees the books noticed some funds missing. He monitored the accounts, and figured out what was happening. He was the first to die after Carlton overheard him talking with the uncle. The next day, the employee transferred all the funds, and the relatives were murdered a day after that.”
Piper shivered as she thought about the four people who were dead because of greed. “That’s despicable. I can’t believe a bank employee would do that.”
“Bad seeds turn up in good pods,” Kenan replied. “The best part is the bank employee found the hit men, and he had to find them fast. That’s where they screwed up. He talked to his friends about it, and after the murders, one of them went to the cops. The only evidence they have on the brothers is his testimony and that of the triggermen.”
“So they have no real evidence against the brothers?” She frowned at him. “What if they’re innocent?”
The look he gave her made her want to back away. “That’s for a jury to decide. They were arrested after a warrant was issued, they were brought before a judge, they were released on bond, and then they fled. One of them has been found. My job is to bring the other one back, so they can stand before the jury. His guilt or innocence is not my concern.”
nbsp; “That’s cold.”
“That’s life.” He looked unconcerned. “The judicial system has many parts, but only a jury can decide guilt or innocence.”
She waited a beat before she said, “So you don’t think he’s guilty.”
“Of course he’s guilty.” He pushed the button for the flight attendant. “His brother gave a full confession after he was caught. What I’m trying to say is I don’t think about innocence or guilt when I go after a skip.”
“That’s not true,” she replied as the attendant came up. She waited while Kenan asked for another bottle of water before she continued. When the man had retreated, she said, “You said he was guilty, so obviously you do think about it.” She arched her eyebrows at him, waiting for his response.
Instead of an argument, he said, “He’s not someone to mess with, so be careful around him.” He pulled a photo from a file.
“I’ve seen it already.”
“Leo says he’s bleached his hair, and he’s wearing colored contacts that turned his eyes green. Memorize his nose, and his chin.”
She almost laughed out loud, but knew that would be pushing things. “Isn’t Leo going to point him out to you?”
“I want you to be able to identify him on sight.”
“Do I get to slap cuffs on him?”
“What do you think?”
“I think it might be kinda fun.” She smiled at the attendant as he brought Kenan his water. “I’ve always been the cuffee, not the cuffer.”
Oh heavens above, he was sexy when he was trying not to smile.
He got it under control and said, “Don’t get distracted. Don’t interact with him too much. Hopefully, I can find a way to take him down before he’s been there very long. I promised Leo we wouldn’t make a scene because it would be bad publicity for the resort.”
She could understand that. “What are you going to do, sneak him out in the middle of the night?”
“Exactly.” This time his smile was snarky. “You’re a quick study.”
“You haven’t seen anything yet.” She finished off her drink and thought about ordering another one. But she knew they were close to their destination, and her in-fight drinks had already made her tipsy.