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X Marks the Spot Page 8

  Both men remained silent as she rubbed it between her lips. “Feels good,” she whispered.

  “Put it in,” Arch demanded.

  “Yes, Sir,” Lia answered. She moved her hips down on the bed giving herself room to put the candle at her opening. It went in easy, a testament to how excited she was. She moved it slowly at first, the long, thin candle feeling so much different than a man’s pulsing cock, or a vibrating dildo.

  “Good,” she said, moving it faster. More scooting around and she was on her back, moving the candle with one hand while she fingered her clit with the other. She felt as if she would explode.

  She moved it faster, moaning as she did. “May I come?”

  “No,” they answered in unison. Lia continued to fuck herself. If they didn’t allow her to come soon, she might lose it and make herself come without their permission. She wondered if she could stay silent while she did it, and knew she couldn’t. They would know the minute she shot off.

  “Please,” she begged. “I can’t…can’t…”

  “Turn over,” Keifer ordered. “Get on your knees.”

  She obeyed as quickly as she could. Within seconds, a second candle was at her anus, the slick wax probing for entrance. Arch, who had been on the right side of the bed, held her cheeks open while Keifer pushed the candle inside her. Lia had one shoulder on the bed, her free hand working the candle in and out of her pussy.

  “Very pretty,” Arch said as Keifer worked it in and out of her. “She’ll be ready for us both in a few minutes.”

  “I’m ready now!” she screamed, which made both men laugh. They didn’t respond to her, though, even though she added, “Please, please, do it now.”

  “She’s not very submissive right now,” Arch said. “We might have to consider that.”

  His words struck fear in Lia’s heart. “Please, I can be. I mean I am, I just—I just need you both so badly. I want you to use my pussy and my ass for your pleasure.”

  “That’s more like it,” Keifer said. “Tell us what we can do to you, Lia.”

  “Fuck me,” she whispered. “Put a dick in my ass and one in my pussy. I will take it. Use me hard, please.”

  “That’s perfect,” Arch said. “I like to hear my subs beg.”

  “Me, too,” Keifer said. “One thing we have in common.”

  Lia took the hint, and started to beg as Arch batted her hand away and took control of one of the candles. They moved them in rhythm as she begged for more, screamed for them to replace them with their cocks.

  “Please, please, take me, I’m begging you.” Her body shook as they worked the paraffin dicks in and out. They stopped so suddenly, that she gasped and clutched at the sheets on the bed. Keifer ran his hand up and down her back while Arch caressed her ass.

  Lia lifted a shaky hand to her hair and smoothed it back. “I…” She wasn’t sure exactly what she wanted to say. She’d already done a lot of begging, and somehow she didn’t think more would help.

  “Shush,” Arch said. “Lay down on your side.”

  It was more like collapse on your side, Lia thought as she toppled over. She was facing Arch, who was taking off the pants he’d been wearing. His cock jutted out, and she licked her lips in anticipation. He lay down next to her and stroked his length.

  “Climb on,” he said.

  Arch put his hands on her hips to keep her steady as she positioned herself over him and took his cock into her pussy. She was sore from being screwed by the candles, even if they were much thinner than the cocks she would take. When he was fully inside her, she collapsed onto his chest. He rubbed her back for a few moments, and then he whispered in her ear, “Reach back and open your cheeks so Keifer can see his target.”

  “Perfect,” Keifer said from behind her. The mattress dipped under his added weight, and impatience surged through her. She wanted it now, and they were taking much too long. It had been ages since she’d been double penetrated, and it was something she’d always loved.

  Don’t beg, she said to herself, because she knew that if she did, there was every chance they’d make her wait longer. She wasn’t sure if it was her silence, or Keifer’s eagerness, but he didn’t make her wait anymore.

  As soon as he was settled behind her, he pressed his cock against her anus and pushed inside, slowly at first.

  Lia gasped, and this time she didn’t hold back. “More! Oh, yes, please.”

  Keifer gave her another inch, and then another. After the second one he slid out, and then pushed back into her ass.

  “Yeah,” Arch said. “Feed her that dick.”

  Keifer did exactly that, sliding in and out repeatedly until finally his hips were against her ass. Lia had never felt so full, so incredibly content before, even though they were both still.

  She rubbed her cheek against Arch’s shoulder and inhaled sharply when he worked his hand between them and found her clit.

  “She’s a little whore,” Arch said as he pinched her. They started moving then, one going in while the other was going out. Lia couldn’t hold back. Her body seized and she came violently, shaking as they two of them quickened their pace.

  “Oh yes!” She yelled as Arch pinched her clit again. He moved his hand to her hips, holding them tight and remaining relatively still inside her pussy as Keifer pounded her ass.

  “Feels fucking good,” Arch said, and she knew the friction from Keifer’s movement would probably send him over the edge. She wished she could come again, but knew she was pretty well tapped out. That didn’t mean she didn’t enjoy the hard fucking Keifer gave her.

  Arch started to move again, and within moments she felt them both tense up, Arch first, and Keifer last. When they were not moving anymore, they both stroked her sweaty skin.

  “Still want to see us afterward,” Arch said.

  “More than ever,” Lia replied.

  “Good,” Keifer said. “We’re going to fuck you like this every time we see you. It’ll take you weeks to recover, and by then, we’ll have fucked you again.”

  * * * *

  The plane ticket came a week after she returned from Fingertip Fantasies. It hadn’t been a surprise, because they’d told her it would arrive; they just hadn’t said when. The end of the vacation had been full of sex, lots of incredible sex that had kept Lia sore for days afterward. But it wasn’t bad soreness; the pains had made her smile, and made her remember the incredible feeling of being between her two pirates.

  During the “off time” Keifer had dubbed their resting periods, they’d talked. She’d learned the two of them had been friends since childhood, and that Keifer didn’t have a job, he traveled around the country on his motorcycle, looking at historic sites and meeting new people.

  Lia hadn’t wanted to ask about money, because it was obvious from the way he’d talked that it wasn’t a problem for him. She had to admit she wondered what sort of person could travel without having a job to fall back on, and it didn’t take her long to realize he was probably loaded.

  She didn’t care about that; all she cared about was taking him inside her, and he seemed, as did Arch, to have a penchant for screwing her up the ass. After the double up on the last day they’d both taken her that way in the later afternoon. They’d both whipped her, too, taking leather straps to her ass, in quick succession, until she had begged for mercy. They’d skipped the feast that marked the end of the cruise and spent their time in bed, which meant they’d failed to find out where the treasure was hidden.

  But Lia didn’t care. The real loot was the two men who had fulfilled her fantasy, and in about an hour’s time, she would be with them again.

  Tracy had been full of questions, and had wanted to know every detail. Lia had given her as much as she’d thought fit, leaving out the fact that she was going to spend time with her two pirates this weekend. That had been a tough one to get around, since Tracy wanted to introduce Lia to potential Doms this weekend.

  Somehow Lia had managed to convince her friend that she was extremel
y tired from the fantasy trip, and she still needed time to recover. Then she’d boarded the plane. She hoped Keifer and Arch would meet her at the airport.

  Her pussy was already soaked at the thought of what was waiting for her. Would this be the start of an every weekend thing? Or every other weekend? Or would they figure out that the magic wasn’t with them outside the pirate ship?

  Please, please not the last one, she thought as the plane began its ascent. And while she was thinking that the intensity might not be there in Boston, what would happen if they decided the weekends weren’t enough and they wanted her to move to Boston?

  She was pretty sure she was putting the cart before the horse on that one, but it was a wonderful idea. Lia could see herself living with the two men, serving them in skimpy outfits, being lashed to a bench while they spanked her, clamped her, fucked her.

  A small moan escaped her mouth, and the woman sitting next to her asked if she was okay. Lia said she was, and they talked a bit about plane rides they’d been on. By the time they landed, Lia was so anxious she wondered if her seatmate thought Lia was afraid of flying.

  In the terminal, she found a driver holding a card with her name on it. Disappointment rang though her as he took her bag (she’d packed light, since the note accompanying the ticket said she’d be naked all weekend) and she followed him to a car. She was once again disappointed, since she’d hoped to find her men in the car. But it was empty, and she settled against the luxurious leather seats as the driver navigated Boston traffic.

  She’d never been to Boston, and she watched the sights as they drove. The car stopped in front of a high-rise building. Lia waited for the driver to open the door, and for the doorman to open the door to the building. This was much more luxury than she was used to, and a pit started to grow in her stomach. She knew from the talks they’d had that she was very different from them, but experiencing it first hand was something totally different.

  Once inside, another doorman escorted her to the elevator where yet another man inserted a key and hit the button for the penthouse. As the car climbed, Lia tried to control her breathing.

  Being on the ship hadn’t produced this much nervousness. But knowing she was about to step into Arch’s private lair, which would so much different than her walk-up in Brooklyn, made her palms sweat.

  The door opened into an entryway. She stepped inside and after the door had whispered shut behind her, she realized she was alone.

  “Hello?” she called out. There was no answer, so she said it again. More silence followed, so she made her way into the condo. It was modern and sleek, with white leather furniture, lots of mirrors and shiny chrome. A bank of windows blanketed the far wall. There was a sliding glass door among them that led out to a balcony. Off in the distance she could see a body of water.

  “Good heavens,” she whispered. This place was amazing.

  Lia took a deep breath before she called out, “Arch? Keifer?”

  There was a protracted silence before Arch said, “Good evening, little slut.”

  She turned to him and a grin spread across her face. He was dressed like a pirate, tight leather pants and knee high boots. His billowy shirt was open to the waist, revealing his muscular chest. “How was your flight?”

  “Fine, Sir, thank you.” She indicated the condo. “This is…wow.”

  “Ah, she’s here,” Keifer said from behind Arch. She could see he was dressed exactly the same as his friend. “What are you waiting for? Take off your clothes and stay a while.”

  Lia put down her bag and undressed slowly, folding her clothes and placing them on the nearest chair. When she was naked, she smiled shyly.

  “As beautiful as I remember,” Keifer said, and warmth spread through her.

  “You’re right about that,” Arch said.

  Lia wasn’t sure what she should do, so she stayed where she was wishing they would give her some direction. Instead, they both stared at her as if she were on a dinner plate. Finally, Arch moved toward her. She hadn’t noticed before that he had something in his hand. As he drew closer, she could see it was a collar.

  “If you’re going to serve us this weekend, you need to be properly attired,” Keifer said as he moved next to her. “You’ll be naked, except for the leather.

  It was then that she noticed he had something in his hands, too. She licked her lips at the sight of the ankle and wrist cuffs.

  “Legs spread, arms out,” Arch ordered. When Lia was in position, she watched him put the collar next to her clothes on the chair. Then he took one wrist and ankle cuff from Keifer. They worked in unison, attaching the leather to her body.

  The hooks on them rattled as they worked, and Lia thought about the ways these wonderful adornments could be attached to things, to bind her in place while she served the two men standing next to her.

  When the wrists and ankles were done, Arch picked up the collar. He held it in front of her face. Keifer grabbed her hair and lowered it toward the leather.

  “Kiss it,” he ordered.

  Lia did, savoring the feel of the cold leather against her warm lips.

  “Are you here to serve us, Lia?” Arch asked.

  “Yes, Sir, I am here to serve you both,” she replied.

  “Excellent,” Keifer said. He held her hair out of the way while Arch encased her neck in the collar. When the lock slipped into place, she moaned softly.

  “This is not the ship,” Arch told her, “but we will go over the rules later. We’re dressed this way because we wanted you to be relaxed on your first night here.”

  Before she could answer, Keifer ordered her to get on all fours. “This is how you’ll spend a lot of your time,” he said. “We like watching our subs crawl.”

  Arch murmured his approval, and then ordered her to follow them. She crawled after them as they walked down a long, narrow hallway. The urge to look around was strong, to see what else this place held in store for her, but Lia kept her head down, her gaze focused on the legs in front of her.

  The hallway ended in a large room, and when they were inside, Lia did allow her gaze to roam. It was a playroom, complete with a St. Andrew’s Cross in the middle.

  “Climb up,” Arch said as he tapped the wood. “X marks the spot.”

  Both men laughed as Lia stood and walked to the cross. They attached her to the slats, using the cuffs they’d placed on her just moments ago. When she was secure, their hands started to roam, pinching her nipples as they moved over her breasts. Four hands slid between her legs, spreading her lips before they tweaked her clit. Lia closed her eyes and savored the feel of them, the familiar way they touched her.

  Her body quaked with need. “More,” she whispered.

  “Oh my,” Arch said. “I’ll be lenient, because I know she doesn’t yet know the house rules, but first and foremost is no begging, unless you’re given permission. Keifer?”

  Lia watched as Keifer crossed to a table laden with toys. He grabbed a piece of cloth and turned back to her. Within seconds she was gagged.

  “Better,” Arch said. Their hands went back to her body, caressing and pinching as they explored her. Lia wiggled against her bonds, but not too hard. This, as the weekend on the boat had been, felt incredible.

  After a few long, sensual moments, she watched them walk to the table. Each of them picked up a flogger. She wanted to lick her lips, but the cloth in her mouth made that impossible. They tickled her with the strands at first, letting them trail over her breasts, stomach and legs.

  When Lia closed her eyes to savor the sensations, they changed the tone of events, and the flogging started in earnest. They took turns striking her skin, paying particular attention to her breasts and pussy.

  Lia cried out against the gag, an orgasm building inside her as they intensified their strikes. Just when she thought she would come, they stopped. She opened her eyes and watched as they walked back to the table. She wanted to beg for more, tell them it hadn’t been nearly enough.

  They put th
e floggers down and each of them picked up another item—this time it was swords.

  “This is the first of many weekends together, Lia,” Arch said. “We’ll see where it progresses from here.”

  Lia nodded, wishing she could speak.

  “Arch wanted to plan things out, but I thought it would be best to see how things went,” Keifer said. “The one thing we disagree on is who gets to ream your pretty little butt first.”

  “So we thought we’d fight it out,” Arch said. He took a few steps away from Keifer and raised his sword. “Shall we?”

  Keifer raised his rapier, and then two rang out as they clashed. Soon, the sound of the swordplay filled the room.

  Lia knew she’d come home to a place she’d never been before. With any luck, the many weekends would turn into something permanent.

  In the meantime, she would take things as they came, and savor every moment of attention from her two pirates.

  About the Author

  Melinda Barron loves to explore Egyptian tombs and temples, discover Mayan ruins, play in castles towers, and explore new cities and countries. She generally does it all from the comfort of her home by opening a book.

  Melinda loves to lose herself between the pages of a book. The only thing she loves more is creating stories from the wonderful heroes and heroines that haunt her dreams and crowd her head. She believes love is for everyone, not just those who are a size 2. Her books are full of magic, suspense and love, in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

  Mel currently lives in the Texas Panhandle, with two cats, and a file stuffed with new ideas to keep her typing fingers busy, and your heart engaged.

  Melinda loves to talk to her readers and can be found at

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  Resplendence Publishing

  My Kingdom for a Corner by Melinda Barron