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Smoke, Fire and Desire Page 7
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Page 7
Instead, they’d spent four days in France, touring archeological sites and tourist attractions, and then making love whenever the whim hit. And it hit often. Sometimes, Rhylie felt as if she couldn’t keep her hands off him. And deep in her heart, she knew that if she left him at the end of their “contracted” time together she would never be able to live with herself.
She loved him with all her heart, but was it enough to compensate for the changes she would undergo? For plunging into the unknown? What if, heaven forbid, something happened to Sandro? He’d told her he wasn’t mortal, and could die. If that happened would she go back to being human, or would she stay a djinni? Would she want to stay Djinn if he weren't there to help her, guide her?
The only thing that would draw her to the supernatural world was the man standing in front of her, extending his hand, offering her a step up onto the first stone of the great pyramid.
“Are you sure we won’t do any damage? Remember, I work to preserve the earth, which includes preserving its history. I would hate to be the one responsible for more damage to one of the greatest achievements in the whole world.”
“On my honor, there will be no damage to the pyramid.” She nodded, then took his hand, putting her foot on the first row of limestone.
Excitement swept through her as they started to climb. This was something she’d dreamed of doing since she was a teenager. The history involved in the pyramid fascinated her, as did the Egyptian culture.
For the first time, though, she marveled at her interest, considering the Egyptians love of magical things, and their believe in the afterlife. She’d never believed in things like that. Not until she met Sandro.
Of course, they were also a highly skilled people, trained in the arts of science and astronomy. In that way, they matched her interests very much.
When they reached the middle of the four hundred and eighty-foot pyramid her breath came in short, shallow gasps. Sandro was beside her, his hand on the small of her back, his breathing normal.
“Would you like me to take us the rest of the way?”
“No.” She took a few deep breaths. “I want to do it on my own.”
He nodded, then ascended a few more blocks. The climb was long, and seemed to take forever. And she loved every second of it. The higher they climbed the more she marveled at where she was, and what she was doing.
Names and dates had been carved into the limestone, and she wondered about those who had been there before her, speculated about the view they’d had as compared to what she saw now: the sprawling metropolis of Cairo, which was nearer the pyramids than most people thought.
“It’s quite a sight, isn’t it?” Sandro was floating near her, his feet not touching the stones.
“Yes, it is?” It took her a few seconds to realize she was floating too, his hand in hers holding her tight.
“What are you thinking?” He leaned over and kissed her gently, his lips trailing over her chin.
“How different the world is now than what it was when this was built. Look at the skyscrapers, and the cars scooting everywhere. In ancient times there would have been a settlement of workers nearby, and various buildings scattered around. It just amazes me to think about it.”
He was behind her now, his arms wrapped around her waist, his chest warm and hard against her back.
“Tell me about your childhood.” She couldn’t see him, but she could tell her question made his eyebrows go up in confusion.
“What brought this about?”
“I just want to know. Call it natural curiosity.” Besides, she though, if we’re going to stay together for the rest of our lives, I want to know something about your past. During the time they’d spent together they’d never discussed it, except for him to tell her his mother, father, three brothers and two sisters still lived.
“My brothers and I fought, as brothers are wont to do. Magical fights can be intense, with different things being conjured up to use against your opponent. My mother used to scream at us when the axes came out.”
Rhylie turned her head to stare at him. “Axes?”
“Just small ones.” His grin made her laugh.
“I’m sure by small you mean, three, four inches? Baby axes?”
“Well, larger than that. But we made sure no one got hurt. That’s another advantage to being Djinn. You can use your abilities to make the axes disappear if you think they will go into someone’s flesh.”
This time she shuddered, wondering about the violent time in which he’d grown up. There was violence today, yes, but not brothers playing with axes as toys. Or at least she didn’t think so.
“We had a tutor for our lessons.” The tone of his voice let her know his memories were fond, and he was enjoying thinking about them. “She was Djinn, of course, and we used to play tricks on her, which would get us in trouble with our parents.”
“What sort of tricks?” This time he chuckled, pulling her closer to him.
“The usual thing, you know, making books and tables disappear, conjuring snakes to wiggle around her feet. Just normal, kids stuff.”
Rhylie burst out laughing, pushing her elbow back to nudge him in the side. “Conjuring snakes isn’t normal kids stuff.”
“I dare to say there are a few human children who have frightened their teachers with frogs, or snakes.”
“Not me,” she said, shaking her head. “I never did anything like that.”
“What did you do?”
She sighed, putting her hands on top of his and focusing on a car she could see driving in the distance. “Nothing that didn’t have a purpose. If I had a doll, my parents wanted me to learn the proper terms for anatomy, so that I didn’t call breasts boobs, or a penis a…”
“Exactly. I didn’t do much playing. I did a lot of reading, mostly things my parents had found for me, to help me learn about the world and how it works.”
“It’s sad you had no brothers and sisters.”
“They would have been just like me,” she replied “I had cousins, but I wasn’t allowed to fraternize with them. My parents thought they were wasting time that could be better spent learning. At family gatherings, when my cousins were outside having water balloon fights, or playing baseball or kick the can, I was inside, listening to my parents argue about one scientific theory or another.”
“Don’t be sad about it, la mia stella.” He nuzzled the back of her hair, his sound of contentment making her smile. “What we’ve done in our lives makes us who we are. You can’t change the past, but you can move forward. In that spirit, I think it’s time to act out a fantasy for you, sweet one.”
“That’s what we’re doing right now, isn’t it?” A soft moan escaped her lips. “You said the fantasies didn’t have to be all sexual. Plus, we’ve lived out quite a few. In case it’s escaped your attention, we’ve made love quite often.”
“Nothing’s escaped my attention. Holding you in my arms is the most precious gift I’ve ever had.” He put his lips on her neck, sliding over her shoulder and making her quiver. “And we’ve lived out one fantasy.”
She relaxed into him as he captured the lobe of her ear between his teeth, biting gently. Desire spread through her; she knew what was coming next. She had very few sexual fantasies, really. They’d already done one, but the biggie was coming now, she knew, and the idea of it lit her body on fire, her folds instantly growing wet and swollen in anticipation of what was to come.
“Are we…staying here?”
“No, we’re going to Rome now, to the house I lived in for many years.”
“Your parents’ house?”
“No, little one. I just wanted something to set the right mood.” He was in front of her now, extending his hand. And she took it, not at all fearful to fulfill the fantasy she’d thought of, and buried deep inside her long ago.
Chapter Ten
Rhylie walked along the long corridor, her feet silent on the stone floor. Though she was barefoot, the surface d
idn’t seem cold. Another one of Sandro’s tricks, she knew. She supposed trick wasn’t the right word. Another one of Sandro’s abilities to make everything perfect.
Long steams of flame lined the hallway, one of his trademark’s she knew. It was no wonder he’d been the fireman at the club, dressed in his uniform and ready to fuel flames. He certainly fueled her, in every way possible.
The passage seemed to take forever, but it built her anticipation for what sat at the end, an open double doorway, soft light flowing out from the portal. She wanted to pick up the pace, to run, or at least quickstep, down to where she knew Sandro waited for her.
Her heart had never felt such incredible joy as it did when she thought of him, thought of the way he made her feel, both physically and mentally. It made her believe something she’d never given credence to before, that someone could fall in love, and mean it, without having a lengthy relationship.
Because she did love him. With all her heart. She’d never thought to find anyone to live with forever, especially not a magical djinni who made her feel as if there was nothing else in the world but her.
Still, the things involved with the Djinn lifestyle still concerned her. She didn’t want to think about them now. Later she would talk with him, and they’d settle things. Right now, though, was a time for play.
She picked up the pace, the long, transparent gown she wore swishing around her legs and ankles. This fantasy was one shared by many women, she knew, but it had always struck her as very hedonistic. The minute she’d thought about it she’d pushed it away, knowing she’d never get the chance to fulfill it, and even if she did get the chance she’d chicken out at the last minute, saying it just wasn’t for her.
Sandro had brought it to the front of her mind, though, and there was no way she’d back out now, not when she was indulging with him. She’d let him take her to the moon, if it were possible. That idea made her stop dead in her tracks and lift her brows in wonder. Was it possible, she wondered? She had to remember to ask him that, she thought as she started to walk, breaking into a trot.
The first thing she noticed inside the room was Sandro, sitting on a large throne on a dais in front of a pile of huge fur-like blankets. Four naked men stood around the blankets, all of them hard and ready, and all of them looking at her as if she were Thanksgiving dinner and they hadn’t eaten in weeks.
The four of them were buff, their muscular bodies gleaming in the light that blanketed the room from the fireplace, which took up one whole wall. There was no other furniture except for the chair in which Sandro sat. He stood now, crossing to her and taking her hand, leading her to the edge of the furs.
“Don’t worry, they’re all fake” he whispered in her ear as he slid the gown off her shoulders. It puddled at her feet. “They will prepare you for me while I watch. All you need to do is lie there.”
“What are their names?”
“No names. Tonight they are your pleasure slaves. Lay down milady, and let them bring you, and in return myself, great joy.”
The one closest to her, a tall Adonis with streaming blond hair held out his hand. Sandro took a step back, then caressed her hip. “Go to them.” He turned and walked back to the throne, climbing the steps before sitting down.
Rhylie took the man’s hand, then walked onto the makeshift bed, lying down in the soft, plush fabrics. She sighed as she settled onto them, their warmth and suppleness enveloping her quickly.
Strong hands were on her instantly, caressing her stomach and arms, massaging muscles and tendons. Their touch was strong and sure, and very arousing. She sighed and settled back, letting them knead her flesh.
Her body grew warm, and the wetness that had been there ever since Sandro had kissed her at the top of the pyramid increased, soaking her outer thighs. One of the men ran his hands from her knees up, his fingers sliding into the wetness.
Rhylie groaned, opening for him instantly. His fingers caressed her outer lips and she arched her back, pleasure surging through her as two of the men captured a nipple, one apiece, sucking and nibbling in perfect rhythm.
Her lover below had spread her lips, his fingers stroking her inner lips before sliding down to her opening, two of them pushing inside with gentle ease. The fingers fucked her slowly, and when he added a third, she clasped the blankets, her body tightening with anticipation.
Rhylie undulated in delight as they stroked and licked, fingers and hands and mouths moving all over her, worshiping every inch of her body until every nerve ending was on fire and ready to explode.
When someone’s mouth captured her clit and sucked her body stiffened as her orgasm rolled through her.
“Yes, my love, that’s it. Come for me, over and over. Delight in what they can do for you. Delight in the fact that I’m watching and enjoying it as much as you are.”
They were stroking her again, hands pressing against her in a sensual cadence as perfect as a symphony. Fingers were inside her again, fueling the fire building. They thrust in and out in steady rhythm, and when they disappeared they were immediately replaced by another set. It was wicked and naughty, and deliciously wanton. And Rhylie loved every second of it.
The fact that Sandro watched, with such obvious approval and arousal made her enjoy it all the more. She turned her head to him, lowered her gaze to where his erection showed between the slit of the robe. She wanted him inside her. Now.
She glanced at her lovers, hoping to convey that she was enjoying their touch, but she wanted Sandro, too, the man loved. They stayed intent on their task. The sensual smiles on their faces added to her delight. Their hands covered ever inch of her body, from fingers to toes to temples, their lips following the path. The only place they didn’t touch her was her mouth. That, she knew, was for Sandro alone.
“Not yet, la mia stella. I will take you soon, but for now relax and enjoy.”
She nodded, closing her eyes and giving into sensation. They stroked and massaged, her body warming and tingling to their touch.
When they gathered around her hips she glanced down, wondering what would happen next. Magical fingers separated her outer lips, then the first man leaned down and licked her clit. It jumped in response, then he lifted and the second man took his place, running his tongue over the hardened nub.
They took turns, each of them licking her for mere seconds before giving way to the next man. The sensations overtook her as they played, her body sizzling from the attention. When the first man licked, then nibbled, then slid his teeth over her tight bud, Rhylie came again, her hips shooting up until she thought she would smother the man above her.
Two men held her hips up as the man devoured her, a third orgasm rocking her body until she thought she would die of the pleasure.
“Sandro please!”
She opened her eyes to see him standing between her legs, pushing apart the velvet robe and grabbing his hard cock.
“Do you want this?”
“Beg me.” He kneeled down, and the men moved to either limb, holding her spread-eagle much as they had the first night at the club. She wondered if they were the same men, then decided it really didn’t matter. All that mattered was Sandro, who waited patiently to take her. “Tell me what you desire.”
“I need you inside me, please.” She struggled against the men who held her, the need to touch Sandro driving her insane.
He stroked his cock, his gaze fastened on her lips. He looked so virile and perfect, kneeling between her legs, the robe still hugging his body, open only enough to reveal his perfect erection.
“Are you certain?” There was an evil glint in his eye. “Perhaps my men can play some more, make sure you are quite ready to take me inside you. I loved watching you wiggle when they touched you, la mia stella.”
“I’m ready…ready…now! Fuck me! Please!” She bucked her hips, crying out when Sandro pierced her folds, sliding inside her with one hard stroke that sent her over the edge again. She screa
med his name as his weight pushed her down into the downy blankets below. It took her a few seconds to realize the other four men were gone.
Rhylie quickly gathered Sandro close, encasing his hips in her legs and wrapping her arms around his neck as he plunged back and forth, setting a punishing rhythm that made her body ache in the most delicious way possible.
His harsh, guttural groans made her shiver and when his body stiffened and he whispered her name she felt him release inside her, flooding her body and making her feel as if she were a part of him.
“I love you,” she said, pushing aside the robe and stroking his shoulders. “I want to be with you, forever.”
“Forever,” he whispered, collapsing on top of her and then rolling them onto their sides, his hard cock still buried inside her. He clasped her leg and drew it over his hip, holding her close.
His lips were soft against hers, and she sighed into them when he whispered, “forever,” again.
Rhylie snuggled into his warmth, savoring the heat of his body and the deep sense of contentment that wrapped around her heart. She’d found the man of her dreams, and she was never letting go.
Chapter Eleven
Rhylie woke in a strange bed, the other side of it empty. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep in Sandro’s arms, snug and content. The room was huge, and for a moment she thought it might have been the one they’d used last night. But this room had no furniture, and the fireplace didn’t take up the whole wall.
She pushed back the covers, her feet touching carpet instead of stone or faux fur. No, this wasn’t the room. Where was she, and where was Sandro? She quickly donned the robe at the end of the bed and hurried to a set of French doors, pushing it open to glance down, a smile lighting her face.
In the courtyard below, Sandro wrestled with a man who looked to be about his age, as two other men, who looked slightly older, egged them on. At a table sat two beautiful women, their long black hair flowing over their shoulders. They were laughing and clapping and pointing at the combatants and Rhylie had no trouble deciding where they were.