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Smoke, Fire and Desire Page 8
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Page 8
Sandro had brought her home, to Italy for her fantasy. Now they were in his parents’ house, obviously. The people below were his brothers and sisters. She felt a slight twinge of jealousy at their obvious love for each other, then pushed it aside.
Never regret your past, he’d said. And he was right.
“La mia stella!” She focused on Sandro who stood, his chest heaving, one foot on the chest of the man who lay prone below him. The boyish grin on his face made her laugh. “Come down, my love.”
She nodded then hurried back inside, finding a bathroom and making use of it before bathing and putting on the beautiful, flowing dress she found on the bed.
Rhylie took the stairs at a run, colliding with Sandro as he came up. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her heartily, holding her close to him. She returned the kiss with vigor, holding him close as their tongues danced around each other. When they broke she whispered, “I love you.”
His answering grin made her feel as if she would melt, and he kissed her again, this time slowly, both of them savoring the soft joining of their lips.
“Good morning, and I love you, too. I couldn’t come to Italy without seeing my family. My brothers came back just to meet you.” He took her hand and led her down the stairs to the kitchen, where seven people waited.
When they saw her they rushed forward, all of them talking simultaneously and grabbing for her hands, pulling her into hugs and planting kisses on her cheeks and forehead.
“Enough!” Sandro wrapped his arms around her from behind, then held up his hand for quiet. “Let us do this properly, shall we?”
“Rhylie, my love, these are my parents, Isletta and Nicodemus.”
She accepted kisses from each of them, blushing when his father patted her check and murmured, “So beautiful, just like Alesandro said.”
“The rakes are my brothers, Adalberto, Calvino and Damiano. Don’t believe a word they say, about me, or my childhood. They are terrible creatures.” The humor in his voice made her laugh.
“Berto,” the first said, leaning over to kiss her cheek. “And I never lie.”
Calvino pushed him aside, kissing her cheek and murmuring a soft “Welcome, sister.”
The third one, who seemed to be the youngest, shook his head. “You may call me Damien, Rhylie. And for once Sandro is right. Don’t listen to them. I, on the other hand, never lie.”
Sandro pushed them away, then indicated the two ladies standing nearby. “My sisters, Carmel and Bella.” The women enveloped her in a huge hug, both of them saying they would tell her the “real truth,” about her new mate.
The word mate sent her into a tailspin. She’d never thought to have a husband, but that’s what was happening. The idea thrilled her, and frightened her, just a bit. They needed to talk about it, make plans for a wedding and discuss what would happen in the future.
It occurred to her that the djinn in the room, all eight of them, could probably read her thoughts. She jumped slightly when Sandro’s voice sounded in her mind.
Only me, la mia stella.
How can I hear you?
The bond, it’s starting.
She turned to him, gazing up into his sensual dark eyes. “What?”
“I will explain it all,” he said. “Safe to know though that when you declared your love for me last night in such obvious passion and truth it started the bonding process. We will be mates soon, true mates.”
Heat flushed her body and she nodded in approval. “I like that idea.”
“Come outside, you two.” Her eyes widened when she realized they were alone in the kitchen, together. They hurried outside to find everyone gathered around a table, filling their plates. Rhylie marveled at all the food, calzones, polenta, pizzas and pasta dishes filled the center.
Sandro held a chair for her and she sat down next to his mother, who nodded in approval. “So long my Sandro has searched for you. Now that you are his, my heart is filled with joy.”
Tears stung Rhylie’s eyes as the woman’s words filled her heart. She wasn’t sure what to say. Thank you seemed so frivolous. She needed words that conveyed a deeper meaning. But, she couldn’t find any, so she whispered, “thank you,” and Isletta rewarded her with another bright smile that told her she’d said the right thing.
They ate and talked, joking and telling stories about Sandro that made her laugh, and made him shake his head in mock anger. When the meal was over, the ladies pushed Rhylie back in her chair when she started to clear the table. Then Isletta waved her land and it all disappeared.
“Well, that’s a definite advantage to magic,” Rhylie said, prompting yet another round of laughter. Soon, it was just the two of them sitting at the table as Sandro’s siblings went into the yard and his parents went inside.
“Did you really turn your tutor into a boar? You forget to mention that story when you said your pranks were ‘normal kids stuff.’”
“It wasn’t a prank,” Sandro said. “It was my inability to control my growing powers. The tutor laughed about it afterward, if it’s any consolation.”
“It is.” She snuggled close to him. “I love the closeness of your family. I’m afraid when you meet my parents you’ll be disappointed. They’re not exactly like yours.”
“It matters not, la mia stella. They gave me the perfect gift when they created you, and that counts for more than anything in this world.”
“Do none of your siblings have mates?”
“Berto had a wife, but she was killed in a tragedy that he has always blamed himself for. He has mourned her ever since, and it has been three hundred years. Calvino is still searching, and Damien vows to never love just one woman.”
“And the girls?”
“Both of them have looked, but not found their mates. My mother is hoping that you and I will start a chain reaction, I believe.” He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. “Now, are you ready to have some fun?”
“What do you have in mind?” Memories of last night flooded her mind and heat filled her cheeks.
“Naughty girl. But I’m thrilled you liked it. I enjoyed watching your pleasure.” He tweaked her nipple, and she glanced around to see whether anyone was watching. “But that’s not quite what I had in mind.”
Rhylie let out a scream as a stream of cold water hit her in the back. She turned to find Damien, a large water pistol in his hand and a huge smile on his face. Carmel came up behind him and emptied her own gun into his back, soaking him. Damien turned to chase her just as Berto appeared with his own pistol.
Sandro propelled her off his lap and Rhylie looked down at the plastic gun in her hands. “Where do I refill it?”
Sandro shook his head in mock disgust at her question and she laughed. Of course, it would refill itself. She turned the gun on him, pulling the trigger and emptying rounds of water over his chest. And then she ran.
She soon found out that everyone was a target, no matter the shooter. Blasts of water hit her from three different sides as she tried to keep up. Before long they were all soaked, their clothing plastered to their bodies as the guns refilled repeatedly.
Soon, Isletta and Nicodemus had joined in the fight, brandishing larger water pistols than any of the other participants. She was wiping water from her face from a particularly heavy blast from Calvino when Sandro tackled her, straddling her and putting his gun down her blouse, emptying it.
Water streamed down her body as her shoulders shook in laughter. She tried, and failed to dislodge him and when he kissed her she pulled him close, taking the opportunity to stick her own gun down the back of his shirt and give him the same treatment.
He howled in mock protest, then kissed her again, both of them laughing as they struggled to keep each other’s guns from their proposed targets.
“Yes, my love?”
“What happens now? You talked about the bonding. Is there a ceremony of some sort?”
“No, it will be just the two of us. When we join for the first time, as mates, you will know it. The pleasure will be intense, and only death can break the bond.”
Their gazes locked, and she reached up to stroke his cheek, pushing aside strands of wet, dark hair. “I want to do it now.”
She felt the love flow out of him and into her soul, and she returned it, twirling strands of his hair around her finger.
“Here, in my parents’ yard? I have a much better, and private, place planned for it, but if you’d like an audience again, I can…”
“Then take me there. Now. I don’t want to wait another second to be your true mate. I love you too much.”
“La mia stella, you have no idea how much those words mean to me. Do you trust me?”
“With my life.” She tugged on his hair and claimed her lips.
“Then let us complete our bond, and be as one, forever.”
The air temperature changed immediately, as did the time of day. Were just seconds ago had been blue sky and sunshine, Rhylie was suddenly encased in darkness, the full moon reflecting brightly off the lake the set just off to her left.
She looked up at Sandro and gazed down and stroked her cheek. “Where are we?”
“Greenland?” She looked back at the lake, and then glanced to her left to see large puffs of steam rising off a smaller body of water. “Disko Island? The hot springs.”
“Yes, my love. A beautiful part of the world, and at this time of the evening, very quiet. We can be alone, and you can scream your pleasure until your hearts delight.”
She blushed profusely, burying her head in his chest as his shoulders shook with laughter. “Don’t be embarrassed, la mia stella. I love to hear you scream. It’s good for my male ego.”
He waved his hands, and their clothing disappeared. Rhylie shivered as the cold air enveloped her, then she shook with desire as Sandro gathered her in his arms, his heat chasing away the cold. His mouth captured a nipple, and she cuddled his head as he suckled her.
“Did you know the hot springs are the result of the earth’s crust rubbing together?”
A loud popping noise filled the air as he released her nipple. “Really? Tell me more.” His voice was husky with need. He captured the other nipple, suckling harder.
Rhylie gasped, trying to focus on what she could say. All she could think about, though was Sandro’s mouth at her breast, of his hands on her backside.
“The water can get to—oh yeah—more than—feels so good—one hundred and forty degrees…Sandro.” He was nibbling at her now, teasing her nipples until the pleasure turned into tiny sharp tugs of pain, which shot straight to her pussy, making it quake with need.
He clutched her tight to his body, picking her up so that her breasts were even with his face, then he started to walk. His mouth moved from nipple to nipple as he maneuvered them to the hot spring.
Rhylie threw back her head and gazed up at the twinkling stars, clutching Sandro’s shoulders and wondering what fate had seen fit to bring her such a perfect man; the ideal husband, and a true soul mate.
He actually liked to hear her talk about life, the earth and the many things she knew. He never once told her she was boring, or that she sounded like a walking encyclopedia. It was more than she ever could have hoped for.
They were in the water now, the hot, still pond licking at her calves and thighs as he stepped further in, lowering them down into the heat.
“Won’t your family wonder where we’ve gone?”
“They know,” he said, tugging on her nipple before lifting his mouth to hers. His tongue probed her mouth tenderly, sliding over her teeth and flicking over her own tongue, causing her to moan into his mouth.
His hands roamed her back, heating up her already flaming desire.
“Is there something special I’m supposed to do, or say?” He stood in the center of the spring, her legs wrapped around his hips.
“You’ll know when the time is right.” She snaked her hand between their bodies, grasping his cock and stroking it gently. His bulk pulsed in her hand and his deep groans of satisfaction made her tingle.
She slid her slippery hand up and down his length, holding him tightly until he growled for her to stop.
“It will be over before it has begun if you don’t behave.” He clasped her hand, taking it from her prize. “Rhylie, I give myself to you, as your mate, and as the one man who will love you for the rest of your life, and beyond. Do you accept my gift?”
“Yes, Sandro, and I pledge the same to you. For all my days, as a human and whatever is to come, I will love you and be your mate.”
“And I accept your gift with more pleasure than I’ve ever felt in all my existence,” Sandro replied, kissing her neck. He lowered her gently, the tip of his cock probing for entrance and finding it easily.
Rhylie shifted as she welcomed him inside her, clutching his shoulders and thighs with her limbs. He filled her perfectly, her folds molding around him until it felt as though they were one.
He cupped her cheek, then brought her face down to within inches of his. “Look at me, la mia stella, hold my gaze and know that I love you more than anything else in this world.”
She gazed into his dark orbs, desire flaring back at her. And then he started to thrust, sliding in and out of her with a fierce passion that made her gasp. The pleasure was exquisite as he glided in and out of her wetness, each thrust hitting further inside her.
Something warm built in her belly, creeping up to her heart. She clutched his shoulders, trying hard not to scratch him.
She gasped loudly when the intensity she felt turned into a slow burn. On the sides of the spring, tall columns of fire shot out of the ground, surrounding the pond.
Sandro pumped her harder as the water around them churned and heated even more. Rhylie didn’t have to ask him what was happening. Nature was responding to their joining, the magic of their bond causing the changes on land as it was making changes inside her.
Her orgasm built, threatening to spill over the dam at any moment. Rhylie tightened her grip on her mate, lowering her head to claim his lips, pushing her tongue into his mouth so that they were joined at both ends.
When he clasped her hips and thrust harder than ever she threw her head back and screamed as an orgasm slammed into her, flames licking the water around them as Alesandro continued to pound into her, flooding her insides with hot seed that burned its way up her belly, leaving a delicious trail of pleasure in its wake.
They collapsed into the water, floating together, their limbs still intertwined. Compared to the heat rising from their bodies, the water seemed cool, and Rhylie snuggled into him, savoring the warmth of her mate, her husband.
The idea was so overwhelming that tears rushed into her eyes, spilling over and falling onto his chest. He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead, whispering soft words of encouragement and love before leaning over and kissing her tenderly.
“I love you so, my wife.”
“I love you, too, Sandro.” She nestled her head into the crook of his neck, sighing with pleasure as he held her tightly.
“My parents will expect a wedding,” she said. “We’ll have no choice.”
“I will be thrilled to wed you in all ways, Rhylie. Besides, my mother will take great joy in it, herself.” She lay on top of him as he floated on his back, his hands trailing up and down her sides.
“What happens to me now? Physically, I mean.”
He stroked her hair, moving it gently from her face. “Physically, nothing. But inside you, Djinn magic will start to grow. You’ll notice the ability to do small things, like move objects without touching them, or reading people’s thoughts, although you have to be very careful about that. Some people won’t take kindly to it.”
“Will you teach me how to control it so I don’t turn people into pigs?”
His deep laughter made her body shake. “Yes, Rhylie. I will teach you everything I k
now. And our children after you.”
She gasped softly. “Children. We didn’t use any birth control.”
“Don’t worry, I can control it. When we are ready, when we decide together that the time is right, then we will have children. As many as you’d like.”
“A lot. I’d love for our kids to play together like we did with your family today.”
His lips were warm against her forehead. “I would like nothing more than that.”
She placed her head on his chest, then stroked a hard flat nipple. It tightened under her touch, and she licked it, savoring the soft growl of desire that sprang from her husband’s mouth.
“Yes, la mia stella.”
“Can you take me to the moon? Truthfully?”
“My love, I will take you wherever your heart desires.”
“Can we make love up there?” She continued to tease his nipple. She could feel his shaft swelling against her hip, and the idea of it filled her with intense pleasure.
“I’ve never tried, but it will be a fascinating experiment, don’t you think?”
“Yes, and experiments are right up my alley. You were an experiment, really, and look how well that turned out.”
“As far as I’m concerned, it’s not over yet.” He wiggled his hips, flipping them until he was on top of her. “Shall we do more research?”
“Anything you say, my husband. I will follow your lead and let you teach me.”
“This will come to us naturally, my love. And we still have vacation time for you.”
“I vote we stay here until it’s over, making love.”
“I concur wholeheartedly,” he said, using his thigh to spread her legs. He slipped inside her and Rhylie groaned, knowing there was nowhere on earth or under the stars that she’d rather be than in his arms.
About the Author
Melinda Barron loves to explore Egyptian tombs and temples, discover Mayan ruins, play in castles towers, and explore new cities and countries. She generally does it all from the comfort of her home by opening a book.